The COVID-19 outbreak has brought grief to the forefront, because nearly all of us are grieving right now. Many of us have loved ones who have died. Others have lost jobs, missed out on graduation ceremonies, or lost the daily social interaction that sustains us. What we’ve all experienced is the undeniable feeling that the […]
Are You Ready For The Mental Health Tsunami?
Experts are predicting a wave of mental health issues as a direct outcome of the trauma and uncertainty associated with COVID-19. In this presentation, we explore how educators and parents can proactively address trauma, in themselves and their children, to minimize the long-term fallout from the pandemic crisis.
Family Survival 101: Fun for Active Kids
Practical Advice For Helping Students Learn At Home
Home schooling is difficult even for those who have chosen that path. But it’s so much harder for parents who have been forced into this role due to the pandemic. And for teachers who suddenly have to learn to teach remotely. In this presentation, we offer practical tips to help parents and educators support students so they get the most benefit from learning at home.