Many educators tend to put the needs of others before their own needs. That may seem like a good thing for people working with children, but it actually leads to poor outcomes for everyone. Setting boundaries at work can help administrators, teachers and support staff to be more effective and satisfied in their jobs. Here’s […]
Mental Health in Education Blog
Student Mental Health: How to Do More With Less
Has your school district been hit with massive cuts to your federal and state funding? When you have to keep your schools operating on a whole lot less, you might feel like you have no choice but to cut your student mental health support programs. There is another way. Here’s why you need to find […]
Tips for Creating and Maintaining a Summer Routine at Home
We tend to think of summer as a time for fun and free time without the structure of school, right? Well, without a clear structure, our kiddos can feel uneasy and uncertain about what to expect each day. This can lead to increased anxiety. Just a few simple routines can help your child develop healthy […]
How to Fight Mental Health Stigma in Schools
Are schools really talking too much about mental health? It’s well established that mental health is a basic need that must be addressed before students can learn and achieve academically. Yet a couple of researchers in the UK and Australia have been promoting their opinion that schools are “talking too much” about mental health. They […]
Signs of Student Depression & How Schools Can Help
It’s no secret that student depression is impacting academic achievement, social and emotional development, and long term outcomes for young people. Adolescent depression puts students at a higher risk for suicide, substance abuse, and other health issues. Last year, MHA reported that 11.5 percent of American youth are experiencing major depressive episodes. NIH has reported […]
Emotional Regulation Strategies for Schools
School ERI programs: the need and the challenge If your district is struggling to support students with emotional and behavioral disabilities, you’re not alone. The numbers are growing exponentially in every city and town. Student outcomes are suffering and the stress is affecting teachers, too. That’s driving many districts to set up specialized classrooms for […]